A Battle Against Osteosarcoma : Divya Chawdhary
AA BBaattttllee AAggaaiinnsstt OOsstteeoossaarrccoommaa :: DDiivvyyaa CChhaawwddhhaarryy

A Battle Against Osteosarcoma : Divya Chawdhary

Hi everyone,
I am Divya Chawdhary from Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India. I am a proud osteosarcoma survivor. Today, I am going to share a piece of my life with the hope that my successful battle against cancer will serve as inspiration for cancer fighters everywhere.

It was October 2018, I was in my 2nd year of college studying at Sharda University.

Being a girl of 20, I was enjoying the best portion of my life with my family and friends with lots of dreams in my eyes but life took an unexpected spin and all my dreams scattered like pebbles on the road. In the beginning, I had pain in my left humerus, after a few tests and scans the orthopaedics referred me to AIIMS New Delhi. When I came to know that I had Osteosarcoma a rare bone cancer, I was completely shattered. I lost my father when I was in 11th standard. I kept on thinking that how my family will deal if something happens to me.

Then I developed a never giving up attitude and my family also stood strong beside me and I started my treatment under Dr Sameer Rastogi and his team. The doctor advised 12 cycles of chemotherapy followed by surgery. The surgeons at AIIMS have put in their best efforts and saved my limb from amputation. After chemotherapy, I lost my beautiful hair. Vomiting and fatigue grabbed me and I kept thinking “God, why me? Why did I get this? I have never harmed or cheated anyone. I couldn’t recognise myself in the mirror but then made myself strong and realised that I am more than my hair. Cancer can take away my hair but not my courage and my life. At the same time, I was thankful to God that my treatment was showing good results. Most of the people I know were busy in their lives and they had no time to empathize with me.

One day in AIIMS I met Mrs Rashi Kapoor and by holding her hands I discovered a whole new world of Cancer Survivors and fighters, the members of the Sachin Sarcoma Society which is a social community became my new friend. I got lots of inspiration from other members of the Indian Sarcoma Workgroup, some of whom were battling cancer for the 2nd time or even 3rd time.
My parents, Dr Sameer Rastogi and my entire extended family of Rashi ma’am and Sachin Sarcoma Society became my support system during this journey. I came out victorious in the battle, but this war has put a big impact on me. I have started to love my life much more after coming close to losing it.

I completed my BALLB this year and trying my hands in the Law profession.
Lastly, I would mention that never lose faith in God, he is always there with you. Put all your efforts to overcome the challenge and come out as a winner from the battle smiling and saying.

Lastly, I would mention that never lose faith in God, he is always there with you. Put all your efforts to overcome the challenge and come out as a winner from the battle smiling

Bhawna Chawdhary

